Gender: Gelding
Breed: American Quarter Horse
Approximate Date of Birth: January 1, 2009
Sponsor: Needs a SponsorArrival Date: August 15, 2023
On August 15, County of San Diego Department of Animal Services rescued a stray gelding in the community of Boulevard. This sweet boy is believed to a youngster, only about fourteen years old. Unfortunately, advanced pastern arthritis (ringbone) in both of his front legs means his riding days are behind him.
During his in-take exam with Dr. Harlan from East County Large Animal Practice, we discussed a chronic wound on his right front leg. This long-term wound, combined with a number of scars all over his body suggest he may have once been caught in a fence or wire. While we will never know his story, we do know that he is a kind, gentle boy.
He has been given the name Harold by one of our donors to honor a father of her childhood friend. “Growing up in Minnesota in a small farming, community, my best friend and her family ran a dairy farm. Her dad was a hard-working, kind man, who was like my second father. He loved all animals and named all his Holsteins. They were more almost like pets. He lived to be 90+, in spite of his own aches and pains, which he seldom complained about. This gentle soul looks like a Harold to me,” explained our donor.