Dale Evans
Gender: Mare
Breed: American Quarter Horse
Approximate Date of Birth: 1/1/2010
Sponsor: Needs a sponsorArrival Date: June 2020
Dale Evans arrived with her BFF, Roy Rogers in June of 2020. We had been told that the mare, who became Dale Evans, was “Rescue Only” due to temperament issues and lameness. They could not trim her feet due to her behavior, and indicated that she would need to be sedated.
Once at the ranch, Dr. Harlan diagnosed her with advanced pastern arthritis, “ringbone.” Her behavioral issues were clearly the result of pain and very painful memories of past hoof trims. Daily pain medication and joint injections have both helped, although we hope her pastern joints will fuse. This would offer her the most relief.
While we accept our senior horses with have arthritis, Dale is a youngster, at about ten years of age. Hopefully we can continue to find ways to manage her pain in the years to come.