Summer brings warm temperatures to the ranch. This year those temperatures have brought high humidity and thunderstorms as well. The horses manage summer weather well. Unfortunately summer also brings flies to the ranch. With over 100 equines at the ranch, flies are a big challenge and make life pretty unpleasant for the horses. We combat them with fly masks and other fly control measures
In recent years we have found feed thru fly control products a key part of helping spare our horses and donkeys the suffering caused by flies. This year we switched to Formula 707 MutliFly. We found it worked extremely well. Unfortunately, the dosing is different from the products we have used previously. So, due to a miscalculation we have run out, and we’re only halfway through fly season!
We reached out to Formula 707, and they made us an incredible offer. They will sell us the remaining 25 bags we need AT COST and they generously offered free shipping! So, we need your help to purchase the last twenty-five bags. If you would like to sponsor a bag, each bag costs $104.95. But a gift of any size will help us raise the $2,827.10 needed to order the last twenty-five bags.
Having used up all of our Formula 707, we are already seeing an increase in flies and a corresponding discomfort in our horses and burros. We need to raise these funds this week. We hope you can help us get the horses and burros through the rest of fly season as comfortably as possible. Our ranch residents will be grateful for your help!